Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Community Garden at Cariboo Lodge

This is a picture of the Community Garden at the South End of Cariboo Lodge (side nearest Museum of the Cariboo-Chilcotin).  As a background - the idea first went to WL Council at their Committee of the Whole meeting on August 4th, 2009 and Council gave it its' approval with formal Council approval given on August 11th.  Then the local Food Policy Council appeared at the April 13th, 2010 Committee of the Whole Meeting to discuss a formal agreement between the City and the Food Policy Council for this site which included a committment to monitor the site, see here.  The site first opened in May of 2010.  A second "Community Garden" was discussed at the June 29th, 2010 Committee of the Whole Meeting.  See the presentation here.  On September 14th, 2010 - WL Council, in Committee, adopted a new Community Garden Policy which was ratified on September 21st, 2010.  WL Council has not considered any matter relating to the 2 Community Gardens since then, with the Committee of the Whole last sitting on May 17th, 2011

The picture, as above, is a real shame, given so much energy went into developing it and shows, in my opinion, that WL Council is unable to maintain City Council-sponsored projects or have a focused vision.  I wonder if this site will ever again become weed free and will have different vegetables grown here or will the next Council will have a re-visit on the vision for the Cariboo Lodge site including this Community Garden


  1. How is this possibly WL Council's fault?
    The Food Council Policy wanted it, said they would look after it and manage it and have not.
    The finger of blame for this should be squarely on the Food Council for failing to live up to their commitment.
    Are you suggesting the City of WL should be looking after Community Gradens?? Preposterous!

  2. Thank you for your comment

    While I don't think Council is 100%to blame - as the community garden at Cariboo Lodge "is" on City-owned land and is leased to the Food Policy Group - I would expect any landlord to monitor what their tenants are up to and to "chide" them when appropriate

  3. This might answer some questions:

    See Section 4) Williams Lake Food Policy Council (WLFPC) Community Gardens
