Friday, June 17, 2011

CRD Board Highlights - June 17th meeting

CRD Adopts Social Media Policy
The Cariboo Regional District is the most recent local government in BC to adopt a Social Media Policy. Following last year’s success with using Facebook to communicate during the firestorms, the Board identified the need for a social media policy around the use of Facebook, Twitter and other social media. The new policy also provides guidelines for implementation and a monitoring plan. The CRD will focus on using social media for special projects and emergency operations and will incorporate this communication media into existing online activities such as CRD website located at

Big Creek Surface Water Impacted

Chilcotin Rancher, Randy Saugstad appeared before the Board to discuss the impact on surface water in the Big Creek area due to logging of mountain pine beetle infested stands with significant green tree composition. According to Saugstad, current logging in the area is creating water related issues which affect ranchers.

Towns for Tomorrow

The Regional District has been approved for $400,000 from the provincial government’s Towns for Tomorrow program and $100,000 from the Northern Trust Economic Diversification Infrastructure program towards improvements at the Anahim Lake Airport. The total estimated cost of the runway extension and terminal building construction is $700,000 with up to $200,000 coming from the airport’s capital reserves, annual capital plan and $23,000 in residual funding from the former airport commission society.

The Big Tree Hunt

The Cariboo Regional District is the 2010-2011 Forest Capital of Canada! To celebrate the program’s last year and the 2011 United Nations International Year of Forests, the CRD invites the students and teachers of School Districts 27 and 28 to participate in the Big Tree Hunt! During National Forest Week, September 18-24, 2011, schools will engage in a friendly competition to discover the tallest and widest trees in their area. The contest will be divided into four regions: north, south and central Cariboo, and the Chilcotin with prizes for each region provided by the CRD’s Forest Capital of Canada Committee. Further information is available online at

Board on the Road

The Regional District Board of Directors and staff travelled to 150 Mile House on June 16 and 17 for the first Board on the Road event for 2011. On Thursday evening, the CRD and the 150 Mile Trails and Greenbelt Society hosted a successful community barbeque to raise funds for 150 Mile House’s 150th Anniversary, which will be held on July 16, 2011. Over 110 local residents joined in the festivities. During the barbeque, the CRD also acknowledged the 150 Mile House Volunteer Fire Department as it is celebrating its 30th year of providing fire protection services to the area.

The Board reconvened on Friday, June 17 at 9:30am for the regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting. The next Board on the Road event will be taking place in Kersley (Area 'A') on September 15 and 16, 2011.

Let’s Talk Trash!

During the last meeting of the Solid Waste Management Plan Advisory Committee (AC), Sperling Hansen and Associates (SHA) presented various options associated with potential recycling and composting programs, as well as preliminary assessments as to current program operating efficiencies. With regards to efficiencies, SHA determined that potential operational savings may be possible by increasing the density of loads at transfer stations; however, a substantial change to existing infrastructure would be required, whereby current bins would be replaced by larger open top bins that could facilitate compaction by on site equipment. As well, SHA also indicated that closure and conversion of small rural landfills to transfer stations may also provide some operational savings. The dates for public consultation have not been set but should occur sometime in September or October of 2011.

CRD’s 2010 Carbon Footprint

CRD staff has created an inventory of the corporate carbon footprint for 2010. Services included in the inventory include administration; sewer and water; solid waste collection and transportation; arts, recreation and culture; and fire protection. Total emissions from all energy sources for these services totaled approximately 2,300 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. Staff will be investigating best ways of reducing or offsetting these emissions prior to the 2012 reporting and offsetting requirement in the Climate Action Charter.

Next Board Meeting

Friday, July 8, 2011 – 9:30am in the CRD Boardroom

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