Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dr. Rudy Waasenaar wins 2011 City of WL Accessibility Award of Merit

The Williams Lake Accessibility Advisory Committee is pleased to
announce that three applications were received for the 2011 Accessibility Award of Merit.

“This is the first time that the committee has received three nominations,
which is very exciting,” says Mayor Kerry Cook. “I would like to recognize the accessibility committee for initiating this award and celebrate with them the fact that Williams Lake is becoming known as a city where people with a broad range of disabilities are able to take an active part in community life. ”

The Award of Merit was presented to Dr. Rudy Wassenaar’s Dental Office
at the June 7 City Council meeting. Renovations to this old building in the
downtown core included ramps to the front and side entrances, snow cleared from the sidewalks by 9:00 a.m. in the winter, well lit entrances, doors that open easily and all interior rooms were altered so that wheelchairs can be maneuvered in the building.

Honourable mention was given to the maintenance staff at School District
#27. This team built and painted sidewalks and ramps in all school district
schools, renovated and built new washrooms and enlarged doorways. Their
improvements have made it possible for students with physical limitations to attend their neighbourhood school or school of choice.

Honourable mention was also given to Community Futures Cariboo
Chilcotin. Community Futures offered a program called “Entrepreneurs with a
Disability,” which helps individuals with disabilities to start innovative businesses.

In addition, they have installed wheelchair accessible washrooms, cleared walkways of snow and they are currently upgrading their phone system to accommodate those with hearing and visual impairments.

For more information please contact:

Deborah Radolla
The City of Williams Lake
250 392-1788

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