Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Local Communities get Tourism Funding Boost

More than 180 communities across the province can do more to support and promote tourism as a result of provincial funding.

This year one million dollars is being shared among 300 grassroots projects through the Community Tourism Opportunities (CTO) program, now in its third year of operation. Growing in popularity, applications to the program have increased 13 per cent this year.

The Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation program assists communities to implement their own tourism initiatives with the Province acting as a funding partner by providing matching monies upon the completion of eligible projects. Individual communities are eligible for up to $9,200 from the Province. In instances where clusters of communities have collaborated on a proposal, the maximum available funding is $23,000.

Both marketing and development projects are eligible under the program.

Some examples of initiatives supported include advertising, tourist-related signage, audio walking tours, online activities, tourism brochures and research.

The CTO program is co-ordinated by the Province’s six regional destination marketing organizations which receive the funding from the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation.

Pat Bell, Minister of Jobs, Tourism, and Innovation stated –

“We are giving communities this funding so they have the tools to grow their tourism sector, which has nearly 18,000 tourism-related businesses that support British Columbians. This program is just one of the ways we are committed to partner with communities and enable them to prioritize the projects that support tourism in the regions.”

Dustin Bodnaryk, tourism development co-ordinator, Tourism Dawson Creek stated –

“Community Tourism Opportunities is a great partnership between community, regional tourism associations and the Province. We’ve used the funding for marketing initiatives such as websites, social media strategies, a summer staycation campaign and visitor information material. This year we plan to enhance the visitor experience through a downtown audio walking tour program, all of which could not be feasible or implemented without this funding program.”

Brian Coombes, executive director, Tourism Chilliwack stated –

“The Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation and Vancouver Coast & Mountains Tourism Region are valued partners in our efforts to strengthen the tourism industry in Chilliwack. The CTO program provides us with resources that support the development and implementation of important destination marketing programs. Our objective with the CTO program is to create multi-year marketing campaigns that have the ability to be sustainable beyond the initial program funding. We believe this approach provides even greater value for our local tourism industry, and is the best use of the financial investment provided by the Province.”

Quick Facts:

· The regional destination marketing organizations administering the program include:

Tourism Vancouver Island, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association, Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association, Vancouver, Coast & Mountains Tourism Region, Kootenay Rockies Tourism and the Northern British Columbia Tourism Association.

· Participating communities must find matching funds for projects and they receive their CTO funding after successful completion of their projects.

Learn More:

To learn more about the Community Tourism Opportunities program, please visit:

Total Funding for Cariboo Chilcotin Coast communities: $144,200

Wells-Barkerville, Bella Coola, Bridge River, Cariboo Regional District, Clinton, Horsefly, Likely, Lillooet, Quesnel, Soda Creek Band, South Cariboo-100 Mile House, West Chilcotin, Williams Lake, Xeni Gwet’in.

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