Friday, June 17, 2011

Quesnel Council Stipend and Expenses for period ending Dec 31st, 2010

On Monday, Quesnel Council will receive a report from their Director of Finance which outlines how much Quesnel's Mayor (M. Sjostrom) and the six City Councillors plus Quesnel City Staff made in stipend/salary and expenses for the year ending December 31st, 2010.  See that item here (Staff Report) with the actual Stipend & Expense List of 2010 here

However, for the record:

Quesnel Mayor Mary Sjostrom:

In 2010 - Stipend was $40,728.00 and Expenses of $9,585.02
In 2009 - Stipend was $40,228.00 and Expenses of $8,500.95

Quesnel Councillors:

All Councillors (Mike Cave, L-A Roodenburg, Coralee Oakes, Sushil Thapar, Peter Couldwell and Ron Paull) all recieved a stipend of $13,968.00 in 2010 with the same stipend being $13,468.00 in 2009

In 2010 - Expenses Claimed by Councillors Cave, Oakes, Roodenburg, Couldwell, Thapar and Paull (from most to least):

Councillor L-A Roodenburg - $5,215.08
Councillor Ron Paull - $3,353.52
Councillor Coralee Oakes - $3,023.20
Councillor Mike Cave - $2,304.34
Councillor Sushil Thapar - $1,770.27
Councillor Peter Couldwell - $62.00

In 2009 - Expenses Claimed by Councillors Cave, Oakes, Roodenburg, Couldwell, Thapar and Paull (from most to least):

Councillor L-A Roodenburg - $4,477.97
Councillor Mike Cave - $4,429.00
Councillor Ron Paull - $4,249.90
Councillor Coralee Oakes - $3,903.89
Councillor Sushil Thapar - $3,607.84
Councillor Peter Couldwell - $2,010.11

See the full information here

Also - Byron Johnson's (Quesnel City Manager for 2009 and 2010) Salary and Expenses Info is as follows:


Salary - $105,492.07
Expenses - $1,819.49


Salary - $137,421.72
Expenses - $7,529.48

Williams Lake's 2010 SOFI Report should be out later today when the June 21st WL Council Agenda is published (late this afternoon) and I'll be doing a blog post Saturday (hopefully) on the 2010/2009 SOFI Reports as it'll be interesting to see what WL City Staff report as their Staff Salary for 2010 as Brian Carruthers' will have served one full year as Chief Administrative Officer and I'd like to see what will be reported as his salary and expenses in 2010 in addition to City Council Stipend/Expenses

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