Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Regional News Wrap - June 8th edition

In Prince George:

* Prince George Citizen is covering the latest developments on Prosperity Mine (2nd proposal) - see here

In Quesnel:

* Letter writer Milly Sommers of the Okanagan laments the local loss of the Good Food Box program in Quesnel - see here

* Letter writer & Quesnel Councillor Sushil Thapar clarifies his "no" vote for the publication of Expense Reports on Quesnel Council's Agenda - see here

Editor's Note - Not sure why Councillor Thapar did this except to keep this minor issue alive in the media

In Williams Lake:

* Independent Cariboo-North MLA Bob Simpson explains his Yes vote for a recent HST Motion in the BC Legislature - see here

* Taseko submits new Prosperity Mine proposal to Ottawa - see here

* Station House Gallery says no more flowers due to multiple thefts - see here

* Shirley Bond (BC Solicitor-General) clarifies the role of the new Independent Investigations Office or IIO - see here

* Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett says Victoria wants to hear from you on the ALR (residential size/location in ALR Land) - see here

In 100 Mile House:

* School District funding rebounds - see here
* Interior Roads watching water levels at several locations in South Cariboo including Red Creek at Mahood Lake - see here
* CRD Area 'L' Director Bruce Rattray questions how Victoria valuates ALR Land in BC - see here
* South Cariboo Meat Co-Op Board decides on new location for abattoir - see here
* District of 100 Mile House opens paved Marsh Trail path - see here
* Letter writer Art Richards says politicians should not sign "secret" deals - see here
* Letter writer Matthew Enns says BC Hydro rates, even if they go up 50%, are still better than any other jurisdiction - see here

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