Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday News Wrap - June 16th

In the Williams Lake Tribune:

* More on Walt Cobb's announcement to seek the Mayor's chair in Williams Lake this November - see here (Editor's Note - as required, Walt Cobb will step down from his post as President of the local Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Cobb will not being doing his weekly column in the Tribune for the next 5 months, pending the November civic vote)

* Spanish Mountain Gold begins provincial and federal environmental review processes - see here
* Letter writer (and Williams Lake Mayoralty Candidate) Walt Cobb calls on people in Williams Lake to vote no in the upcoming HST Referendum - see here

In the PG Citizen:

* BC's Privacy Commisioner says she could have gotten involved in the case of leaked in-camera documentation between the City of PG and PG City Councillor Brian Skakun - see here

In Rossland:

In a first (that I can remember) in BC - a Rossland City Councillor was ordered out of a Council Meeting by the Mayor of Rossland, after raising an issue about the CAO contract in public (a big no-no) and was escorted out by local RCMP after refusing the Mayor's order (note, it includes video) - see here

Editor's Note - For the record, most, if not all, procedural bylaws for local governments in BC provide for authority for the Chair of a Council or Council Committee Meeting & also Regional District Board or Committee of a Regional District Board to order a member of the public or Council/RD Member out of a meeting and that, if called upon, the RCMP enforce the Chair's order as if it were a Court Order

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