Sunday, June 19, 2011

Voting Record at Committee of Whole WL Council for Dec 1st, 2008 - May 17th, 2011

As a public service and with the November municipal elections coming up – I wanted to provide the residents’ of Williams Lake a voting record on all no votes recorded at all Committee of the Whole Council Meetings from Dec 1st, 2008 until June 17th, 2011.  I'll update this in late October, after nominations close for all elected offices (Mayor/Councillors) - City of Williams Lake

*** Please note – Mayor/Council are deemed to be in favour of an item before the Committee unless the Mayor or an individual Councillor asks that a no vote be recorded in the minutes ***

August 4th, 2009 – Councillors Bourdon and Walters voted no to allow a 50% reduction of a curb cut bill for Brian Cotterell

February 2nd, 2010 – Councillor Rathor voted no to defer consideration of a Wood First Resolution pending a report from the Public Works Portfolio on cost implications and further investigation

April 13th, 2010 – Councillor Rathor voted no to approve 2010 Municipal Tax Rates and bringing forward Bylaw #2109 for the required readings

August 31st, 2010 – Councillors Barr and Rathor voted no to send a letter to FCM/Ottawa asking the census short-form questions that appear on the census long form be mandatory

March 1st, 2011 – Councillor Walters voted no to approving in principle the creation of an Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption program and City Staff draft an Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption bylaw based on the objectives, eligibility and amount of exemptions

March 15th, 2011 –

Councillors Rathor and Barr voted no to allowing Mayor Cook to report back to Council and appointing a member of Council to attend the 2011 Federation of Canadian Municipalities Convention to be held June 3 to 6, 2011 in Halifax, Nova Scotia

Mayor Cook and Councillors Barr, Bourdon, Zacharias and former Councillor Hebert all voted no to a contribution being approved for the Williams Lake & District Daycare Centre in the amount equal to the 2011 property tax calculation for 660 2nd Avenue North for approximately $1,430 and that the contribution agreement be entered into for 2011 only

May 17th, 2011 – Councillor Bourdon voted no to approving a Saturday Farmers’ Market in Herb Gardner Park

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