Saturday, July 30, 2011

Special August 4th Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting

I have been advised of a special Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting to be held as follows:

Date: Thursday, August 4th
Time: 5:00pm
Location: Rick Hansen Boardroom - WL City Hall (450 Mart St)

Purpose of Meeting: Discuss recent award by City of WL for Concept/Business Plan for an Indoor Turf Facility in the amount of $53,250 + HST ($6,390) = $59,640.  See the City's report on this item from their July 5th meeting here

It has also been brought to my attention that the CRD Directors for Areas D, E and F did not know of this award prior to Williams Lake Council awarding the Business/Concept Plan for an Indoor Turf Facility on July 5th to CEI Architecture and hence the reason for this special meeting of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee

In my view - this is a violation of a unspoken protocol that items affecting the CRD (Recreation Function/Budget) but managed by the City of Williams Lake should be brought forward for discussion at the Joint Committee prior to approval by Williams Lake City Council

Note - the Agenda has not formally being uploaded by the City for the public's information (as of July 30th) as they are responsible for preparing Joint Committee Agendas and hosting of Joint Committee Meetings during July - December


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