Monday, July 11, 2011

CRD Board Highlights - July 8th meeting

Northern Clinical Simulation Centres Announced

The Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District (CCRHD) Board of Directors received information from Northern Health (NH) regarding the Northern Clinical Simulation Centres. Medical and nursing students and practitioners will benefit from these unique state-of-the-art learning environments at four NH and two university facilities. The $2.4 million investment in these facilities, will allow students and clinicians to work with patient simulators - interactive training mannequins - to hone their skills in different treatment scenarios. The centres are located at the University Hospital of Northern British Columbia (UHNBC) in Prince George, GR Baker Hospital in Quesnel, Terrace’s Mills Memorial, and at the Prince George and Quesnel UNBC campuses. Further information about the Northern Health Clinical Simulation Centres is available online at

Forest Capital Seedling Plantings Scheduled

The Cariboo Regional District’s (CRD) Forest Capital Committee will be planting Spruce, Pine and Douglas Fir seedlings throughout the region to commemorate its final year as the Forest Capital of Canada. Through this event, the CRD will recognize the many businesses and organizations that helped bring the Cariboo Chilcotin to the 2010 Winter Olympic Games during BC Street. Seedlings will be planted at 10 a.m. on the following dates and locations:
Mon., July 11 - South Cariboo - Sepa Lake Trailhead
Tues., July 12 - North Cariboo - Kosta’s Cove at Ten Mile Lake
Wed., July 13 - Central Cariboo – Esler Sports Fields

Connecting Citizens

An update was provided to the Board about the federal government’s Connecting Rural Canadians Program. The plan of the program is to help bring high speed internet service to more communities throughout rural Canada. The Cariboo Regional District has supported this initiative over the past two years and currently has a resolution to provide letters of support to any ISP provider wishing to apply to funding programs which will help expand high-speed internet coverage throughout the Cariboo Chilcotin.

Barkerville Heritage Trust

The Regional District received the 2010-2011 Barkerville Heritage Trust Annual Report. An update from the CRD’s Heritage Trust representative was also presented including an overview of some of the upcoming events, new funding programs and sources along with information about Barkerville’s 150th Anniversary which will be celebrated with various events throughout 2012. Further information about this historic site is available online at

Talking Trash

Mitch Minchau, Manager of Environmental Services, provided the CRD Board of Directors with an update on the Solid Waste Management Plan. Coming this fall, residents and businesses in the CRD will get the opportunity to talk trash – in the literal sense! The CRD will be hosting a series of open houses and meetings to provide information about – and get public feedback on future options for improving access to recycling, composting of yard and kitchen waste, wood waste recycling and more. Public input is key to introducing new programs to help reduce and manage our garbage, protect our environment and make the best use of our tax dollars. The options for improvements to the region’s solid waste programs have been developed using the technical information from the consultants and with the guidance of a 24 member public advisory committee with representatives from across the region. For more information, or to be added to the project update list, visit the CRD website or email

Blessing’s Grave Historic Site

The Board of Directors authorized Electoral Area C Opportunity funds of up to $2,500 to purchase a wheelchair accessible washroom for the Blessing’s Grave Historic Site.

Next Board Meeting

Friday, August 26, 2011 at 9:30am in the CRD Boardroom (Williams Lake, BC)

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