Saturday, July 30, 2011

Follow-up Blog Post #2 - Community Garden at Cariboo Lodge

On June 22nd of this year - I blogged on concerns I had relating to the Community Garden at Cariboo Lodge.  See that blog post here.  However (see picture at left) - since WL Council changed the terms of the lease for this site - there has been a dramatic improvement and for that - I am impressed, given the short turn around time from approving a change to the leaseholder to cleaning up this site.  Given this was a City-sponsored project - I still fail to understand why it took a whole year to get this site cleaned up when the issue around insurance and the Food Policy Council could have been solved over weeks, rather than a full year and for that - WL Council deserves the blame and demonstrates that Council needs to acknowledge that when it takes on projects, even when they aren't doing it themselves, they need to ensure things are followed up on, in a timely fashion.  After all, Section 115 (a) of the Community Charter states - consider the well-being and interests of the municipality and its community and this is something no Councillor or even the Mayor did, with regard to this project


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