Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Wrap Up - July 22nd edition

Hope your Friday was well.  Most local governments are on a break until mid August.  Wells doesn't resume until August 16th, Quesnel until August 15th, Williams Lake until August 9th (Committee of the Whole Meeting) and 100 Mile House meets next Tuesday (July 26th).  Cariboo Regional District Board meets again on August 26th and the 2 School District Boards do not meet until September

Over at Welcome to Williams Lake:

* Rick Hansen Monument to be established at the TDC (Tourism Discovery Center).  See here.  I should clarify, contary to information posted here yesterday, that the City of WL's Manager of Economic Development states that no local taxpayer money is going into this project.  The local Rick Hansen Committee will be looking after raising the necessary funds for this particular project

* Williams Lake City Council, as posted here earlier this week, will spend $25,000 (money coming from 2011 Water Budget) to educate the public on the issue of continuing to put fluoride in the City's Water System - see here.  If the comments I had on this subject on my personal Facebook page (22 comments in 7 hours) are any indication of the general mood of the public - this decision will not be a popular one, going into November's vote

* One local landlord takes exception to WL Council's decision to give 3 readings to Bylaw Amendments to the City's Noise and Nuisance Bylaws - see here

Over at the Rush - Councillor Rathor reports repairs to the Sam Ketchum Memorial Pool are now done and the pool should be operational by Tuesday, August 2nd - see more here

Local Events this weekend:

* Oliver St Market on Saturday from 10am - 3pm
* Racing at Thunder Mountain Speedway (West of Williams Lake on Highway #20) - Time Trials at 5pm and Racing at 6pm
* Lakers' Club "Show and Shine" at Canadian Tire (South Lakeside Drive) on Sunday from 10am - 2pm

Food for Thought:

Earlier this year (Jan 11th, 2011) - the City of WL adopted a new Social Media Policy which called for a Facebook Page (already established in late December of 2010) and a Twitter account (not established) to both be established for the purpose of online communications with the general public at the time that the new City of WL website is brought online.  The date for this was the end of May.  I would suggest that one of the two options be employed by City Staff:

1) Begin using Facebook/Twitter forthwith until the new City website can be established.  One advantage is to immediately communicate with City residents' on emerging or immediate issues that residents' would have an interest in and would appreciate a "conversation" between City Staff and the general public

2) If #1 is unacceptable - the City of WL CAO should then advise Williams Lake Council and the Williams Lake community as to the date when he expects the new City website to be active.  In any event - an update is warranted, in my opinion, given it has been 60 days since he stated the new City website was to be "online" (end of May)

Tomorrow, on the blog - I'll have Pat Bell's latest "Top Ten" (2010-2011 Public Accounts) and on Monday - I'll be reviewing the City's 2009-2011 Budgets

Have a great weekend!!! :)

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