Monday, July 11, 2011

Ind. MLA Bob Simpson hosts tele-town hall meeting Thursday

Independent Cariboo North MLA Bob Simpson will host a telephone town hall Thursday July 14th at 7:00 pm to discuss rural Cariboo issues. This initial town hall will focus on rural infrastructure issues in the Horsefly/Likely/Miocene area.

Residents in that area will be invited to take part via a recorded telephone call from Bob Simpson the evening of Wednesday July 13th. Residents will be called back Thursday the 14th at 7:00 pm to join the "Tele-Town Hall" live with the Independent MLA.

"This is an opportunity to try a new technology to see if it can be used as a tool to help me improve my representation of Cariboo North and to hear more directly from constituents about their issues and concerns," said Simpson. "One of the questions I will ask is what people think of this technology. If it goes over well, I will continue to use it to reach out to the rest of the constituency."

Simpson said he will not be using this as a substitute for getting out to Cariboo North’s rural communities to visit with constituents: "I love participating in events all over the Cariboo and will keep doing so. In fact, I'll be in 150 Mile for their 150th birthday celebration on July 16th and at Arts Wells later on this summer. This technology may provide another tool to have conversations with a large number of people without asking anyone to drive long distances to attend a traditional town hall meeting."

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