Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Interesting Take on the HST Referendum

This past weekend - I received an interesting email on the HST Referendum from Gill Picard of Abbotsford.  See the email in its' entirety below:

Editor's Note - There was a CTV (BC) story on people getting more than one HST Ballot from Elections BC.  This is really unfortunate and may very well call the entire referendum process and final result into dispute.  I think the only way, in this respect, to really deal with the HST, is a provincial general election, which may occur as early as this September.  See the CTV-BC story here

I am calling a MISDEAL on the HST Referendum!

I want a new dealer!

The current dealer (Elections BC) has proven to be incompetent to conduct such a referendum.

Too many people have received other people’s ballots. Some have received ballots addressed to deceased people and some for long gone previous occupants while many have not received a ballot at all.

The heretofore highly efficient Elections BC has proven itself incompetent in conducting a referendum.

They could not have used the last registered voters’ list, so who else were they going to allow to vote on this?

Could it all be a plan to allow the government to call the results invalid?

The only reason for this level of incompetence has to be to deceive the public and obfuscate the whole operation so that it may later be declared invalid.

The only possible solution to this dilemma now, is to start all over again but have the referendum conducted and supervised by two independent parties.

The Liberal government, once again proves itself incompetent!

Gill Picard


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