Friday, July 29, 2011

Msg from BC Premier re: BC Day

“B.C. Day is a time to celebrate all of the things that are most important in our lives - the friends, families and neighbours who mean so much to us, the many blessings and privileges that we enjoy and the very special nature of this place that we call home. It is also a time to consider how we can continue to strengthen the future for our children and our communities.

“As British Columbians, we are fortunate to enjoy multiculturalism, which enriches us all. People from across the world have immigrated to B.C. and along with our First Nations, have worked hard to build a strong and vibrant province in an embrace of cross-cultural acceptance. This has made B.C. a shining beacon throughout the world, and it reflects who we are as a province.

“In 1858 Queen Victoria named a rough and lonely outpost of her empire ‘British Columbia’. Today we reflect on those humble beginnings and the impressive record of achievement that created the province we know today.

“Ours is a province of promise and opportunity where we live together in mutual respect and inclusiveness. We enjoy peace, security and freedom, and a healthy environment of unparalleled natural beauty. None of these things can be taken for granted. They are privileges that we must protect and celebrate.

“I encourage you to enjoy time with family and participate in some of the many festivals and events taking place across B.C. this weekend. On behalf of the government of British Columbia, I extend my best wishes for a safe and fun B.C. Day.”

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