Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Open Government in BC

As part of her platform when running for the Leadership of the BC Liberals - BC Premier Christy Clark announced the provincial government's recent moves towards open government in British Columbia.  See the government press release here.  The direct link to the website is here

Update on Tuesday, July `19th at 5:07pm - CBC reports on this initiative as well here

One aspect of this initiative that I was personally disappointed with (see the appropriate section of the "Open Information" website here) was with the lack of information, pertaining to monthly travel expenses.  The information only shows a total of monthly travel expenses for members of the BC Cabinet and the Deputy Ministers.  I'd like to see a breakdown, by date, location and exact purpose of travel, of the travel expenses, but perhaps this is coming in the not-too-distant future

In fact - I'd like to see this kind of information (monthly breakdown of expenses for civic officials - Mayors, Councillors, School District Trustees and Regional District EA Directors) posted at local government websites as I think taxpayers' who pay the elected officials salary and expenses should know how that money is being spent and let taxpayers' decide for themselves if they are getting "value for money"


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