Friday, July 8, 2011

Region News Wrap - July 8th edition

In Quesnel:

* He said/She said continues in running battle between Mayor Sjostrom/Councillor Thapar - see here
* Autumn MacDonald (Observer Editor) says "Inform Yourself" on issues prior to November's civic vote in Quesnel - see here
* Bob Simpson hosts public meeting on meat regulations - see here
* Bob Simpson meets with his Independent Riding Association and the public - see here
* Letter writer Donna Christensen blasts Quesnel City Councillor L-A Roodenburg for her comments from this past Monday's Quesnel Council Meeting for the paving project on St. Laurent St. - see here

(Editor's Note - I was at this meeting and both Councillors Coralee Oakes/L-A Roodenburg stated that Councillor Thapar needed to look at "big picture" and remember that the paving project for St. Laurent was part of Quesnel Capital Reinvestment 5/10 Year Plan)

In Willliams Lake:

* Former City of WL Mayor Scott Nelson says "I want my old job back" - see here
* WL Council gives 3rd Reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2135 (Retirement Concepts - allow for mixed use at WL Seniors' Village of seniors and general public in Phase 3 Building) unanimously after a short 5 minute public hearing where only NDP Candidate for Cariboo-Chilcotin Charlie Wyse spoke to Bylaw #2135 (Article includes a comment from me) - see here

(Editor's Note - Interesting that on May 26th - Retirement Concepts personnel indicate that a common kitchen or area "may" be possible but on July 5th, City Staff, while reading out the Explanatory Note for Bylaw #2135 states CONGREGATE HOUSING means housing in the form of multiple sleeping units where residents are provided with common living facilities, meal preparation area, laundry services and room cleaning.  Why didn't WL Council ask for clarification on this item before voting on 3rd Reading in just 3 minutes from time the motion was moved/seconded to the time that the question was called??)

* WL Council gives three readings to new Industrial Tax Revitilization Bylaw - see here

(Editor's Note - how will this work while the City's Heavy Industry tax rate is the highest in the Province?, Just asking)

* Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society says it has a long term plan - see here

(Editor's Note - while this is good news, why is the Society trying to consult the public on a plan for Workshops Ideas in the dead of summer when the public's is elsewhere and they aren't likely to catch the full public mood on this subject.  Same reason why local government should not be consulting the public on local gov't initiatives in July/August.  Do they plan to do the same with a strategic vision in the dead of summer or during the holiday breaks (ie: Christmas Holidays)?

* Charlie Wyse new NDP candidate for Cariboo-Chilcotin - see here
* Donna Barnett: bring Charlie Wyse/NDP on for next provincial election - see here
* Surinderpal Rathor - Mayor Cook should apologize to Scott Nelson for not being honest with City taxpayers' on who's Council (Nelson or Cook) is to blame for the $528,000 budget overrun for the new City Fire Hall (hint: It's Cook's Council) - see here

In 100 Mile House:

* 100 Mile House Mayor Mitch Campsall says rumours of District of 100 Mile not supporting meat co-op ridicilous - see here

* CRD tries again on resort taxation issue - see here

* Letter E.W. Bopp of Tsawassen says rioters' during Game #7 of Vancouver/Boston Stanley Cup Final could rely on Canadian Charter of Rights/Freedoms for defending their (rioters') actions - see here

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