Saturday, July 23, 2011

What a difference a year makes in the Forest Fire Situation

Earlier today - Radha Fisher from the Wildfire Branch - BC Forest Service was interviewed about the forest fire situation which reminded me about where our region was about 1 year ago today.  See that blog post here where things were so grim that Pat Bell (then Forest Minister) announced a total campfire ban except in the Southwest Forest Area (Kootenay Region).  In July of 2010 - the Province had spent hundreds of millions of dollars to fight forest fires throughout BC.  As of today - Ms. Fisher reports that about $30 million has been spent for forest fires in a handful of places in BC but keeping in mind that we still have August to get through and it would only take a few hot days to dry out the ground and make the forest fire situation as bad as what Ontario is going through right now

Today at 1:00pm - the Wildfire Management Branch reports most of BC at a "very low or low" fire risk.  See that map here.  Also - the following bans are in place:

Open Fire - Prohibited in the Coastal, Cariboo, Kamloops and Southeast Fire Centers
Campfire - Permitted in all 6 Fire Centers
Forest Use - Unrestricted in all 6 Fire Centers

See more details on the above here

Just a friendly reminder though - even with the wet weather around - I remind everyone to practice caution while enjoying your camping experience, in both the Cariboo-Chilcotin and in BC


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