Earlier today - the Globe and Mail reported, in addition to other print media, that national crime stats are at their lowest point since 1973 and have dropped steadily for the last 20 years - no one knows really why but I'd like to see an in-depth study on this topic, like the United States did a few years back. You can read the Globe and Mail full article here
At the same time - Stats Canada, a non-partisan federal agency, released the 2010 Crime Severity Stats for communities 10,000 in population or bigger to which you can read the full stats here however one little tidbit for Williams Lake was it was #1 for Overall Crime Severity among surveyed BC Communities and #5 Canada wide. It was #1 for Violent Crime Severity among, again surveyed BC Communities and #4 Canada wide. It was #1 for Non-Violent Crime Severity among, again, surveyed BC Communities and #5 Canada wide
For the record - Stats Canada notes the City of Williams Lake was twice the Canadian average for Total (211.6 with Cdn average of 100), Violent (227.3 with Cdn average of 100) and Non Violent Crime Severity (205.6 with Cdn average of 100)
This is certainly not the kind of crime stat news current Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook needs going into November's civic vote. Wonder if she'll ignore this story and use the "good news" crime stats story she promoted earlier this month. See that story here
maybe instead of pointing the finger at "what the mayor didnt do" you should point the finger at Chief Joe Alphonse and the other chiefs of the reserves for allowing crime and violence to run rampant on their territories. Looking at the prolific offender stats, 90% come from out of town yet commit crimes in town....remove those skewed stats, and WL is probably average. Time for the reservations to take responsibility for the crime, drug dealing, and violence that they produce and for Joe and his other lobbyists to start looking at their own issues.