Tuesday, July 19, 2011

WL Council Highlights - July 19th Meeting


Mayor Cook and Councillors’ Barr, Bourdon, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers – CAO
Geoff Goodall – General Manager of Planning and Operations
Wendy Dalman – Corporate Services Records Coordinator
Pat Higgins – Director of Finance
Brad McRae – Senior Bylaw Officer
Ken MacInnis – Communications Coordinator
Tom Chung – IT Manager

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Minutes of July 5th WL Council meeting adopted
Council approved adding 1 Late Item to the Agenda


1) Daniel Hutchins, from Interior Roads, appeared before Council to discuss Staff changes at Interior Roads and Emergency Preparedness


1) Council received for information a letter from the Hon. Ida Chong (Minister of Community Services) regarding the Small Community Investment Fund Initiative (receipt of funds to the end of June 2011 of $470,583). A letter of thanks will be forwarded to the Minister of Community Services

2) Council authorized travel, hotel and other related expenses to attend the annual UBCM (Union of BC Municipalities) Conference in Vancouver on Sept 26-30 for themselves and the Chief Administrative Officer

3) Council awarded the purchase of one 2011 4x4 1/2 ton pickup and Krypto lining to Lake City Ford for the tendered price of $28,324.

4) Council awarded the purchase of a Side Walk Machine to Williams Machinery for the tendered price of $119,771.

5) Council approved travel for Mayor Kerry Cook to meet with Minister Pat Bell in Prince George on August 8

6) Council approved travel for Mayor Kerry Cook to attend a dinner with the BC Transit Board of Directors and Senior Executives in Quesnel on July 26

7) Council received the 2011 Second Quarter Economic Indicators Report.
8) After receiving no public input – Council gave approval to DVP #5-2011 (Stefan Hoezler)
9) After receiving no public input – Council gave approval to DP #4-2011 (Midland Industrial Park Ltd)

10) Council agreed to refer Development Permit (DP) #3-2011 to the City’s Advisory Planning Commission for review /recommendations. Council will decide on DP #3-2011 at its’ August 16th, 2011 meeting

11) After considerable discussion - Council agreed to receive a presentation from Communications Solutions Inc. (CSI) regarding Communication and Public Consultation Strategy on possibly discontinuing fluoridation of the City's water system and endorsed the communication strategy recommendations, as per CSI’s presentation.(Mayor Cook and Councillor Tom Barr were opposed)

12) Council gave 1st Reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2133 (Regulating Shipping Metal Containers) and referred to the City’s Advisory Planning Commission for its’ review/recommendations

13) Council adopted Bylaws #2138 (Zoning Amendment – Pinetree Developments), 2139 (Traffic Control Amendment Bylaw – Parking on Boulevards) and 2141 (Northend Industrial Revitalization Tax Exemption Zone)

14) Council adopted 6 Committee of the Whole Recommendations, as follows:

a) Council agreed to write a letter to the Premier in support of the District of Kent’s position regarding municipal policing costs and the need for a more equitable cost sharing formula for communities with populations between 5,001 and 20,000
b) Council asked City Staff to investigate and develop a Dangerous Weapons Bylaw that would control the sale of bear spray and prohibit the sale of machetes and bladed weapons intended for purposes other than dressing or preparing food; and that the City send letters to those retailers who currently sell such items requesting their cooperation in exercising discretion in their availability
c) Council gave 3 readings to Bylaws #2143/2144 (Amendments to Noise/Nuisance Bylaws)
d) Council received the report of the CAO on An Action Plan for the 2011 Citizen Survey
e) Council agreed to request meetings with BC Premier Christy Clark, Solicitor-General Shirley Bond and Community Services Minister Ida Chong at the 2011 Union of BC Municipalities Conference in Vancouver
f) Council approved an application to the BC Rural Partnership for a LIRN initiative to host capacity building workshops for the community

15) Council agreed to provide a letter of support to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation with regards to their license renewal to the CRTC (Canadian Radio & TV Commission)

16) Council received In-Camera Report #5-2011 for information (Appointment of Beth Bedard to the City’s Heritage Advisory Committee for balance of 2011 and full 2012 term)

17) Late Item – Council agreed to send a letter of congrats to Miss Anna Dell on winning the title of Miss Canada International 2011

18) Council received for information the Council Information Package, as of July 19th - as follows:

a) June 16th – Letter from BC Hydro re: Funding for Electric Beautification Projects. See that letter here
b) June 23rd – Letter from Ministry of Social Development re: Provincial Multicultural Nesika Award Nomination. See that letter here
c) June 24th – Letter from CCACS (Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society) re: Call for Proposal for Mural (Side facing Borland St) on Central Cariboo Arts Center Building. See that letter here

Meeting adjourned at 7:13pm

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