Thursday, July 14, 2011

WL Indian Band endorses Kerry Cook for WL Mayor - 2011-2014 Term

From Welcome to Williams Lake:

Editor's Note - While I respect and acknowledge WL Indian Band Chief Ann Louie's opinion about Kerry Cook's qualification to continue as Mayor of Williams Lake for the 2011-2014, I personally do not share it and I'll be looking for someone else to lead Williams Lake out of the economic, social and other challenges we are facing in the short term

Welcome to Williams Lake article:

Williams Lake Indian Band (WLIB) today announced its endorsement of incumbent mayor Kerry Cook in November’s municipal election.

"We feel that Mayor Cook has made a strong effort to build relationships with First Nations, and has shown good leadership during her term as mayor," states WLIB Chief Ann Louie.

"We have had positive experience working with Mayor Cook on policing initiatives, pursuing a community forest licence and on various other projects. Our experience with the other councils in the past has not been similarly positive. Previous mayors have made comments about economics and First Nations leadership which are inaccurate and demonstrate a lack of understanding and respect for First Nations.

Mayor Cook has worked hard at strengthening relations with First Nations overall and has accomplished a lot in her term as Mayor of Williams Lake. Williams Lake is facing serious economic and other challenges, and needs a strong and inclusive leader at the helm to get over this period.

We feel Mayor Cook is the only candidate who can provide such leadership." Chief Louie is one year into her most recent four-year term as Chief of the Williams Lake Indian Band.

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