Saturday, July 16, 2011

WL Mayoralty Candidate Ads Begin Early

In this past week - local Mayoralty Candidate Scott Nelson and his campaign team have elected to start running half page ads in both of Williams Lake's newspapers - Tribune & Advisor

See the ad below (click on picture):

Two questions I have are:

1) How long will current City of Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook allow Mr. Nelson to build up an early lead before her campaign team start to run campaign ads of their own?  This also applies to Walt Cobb and his campaign team.  If Mr. Nelson and his campaign to become Mayor once again gets a lot of momentum, he may very well be impossible to stop before November 19th

2) Is this campaign ad of Scott Nelson and his mayoralty bid a "one-time" deal before the traditional campaign period of September - November or is this a beginning of things to come from Mr. Nelson's campaign



  1. hey wow look another photo opp for scott....wheres the chainlink fence with a pic of the homeless mentally ill guy he got banned......good crime

  2. ANYONE who votes him in must really like to pay for things later. His business strategy is like owning a BRICK card, tons now you cant afford, pay later...oh wait, your not around to pay later as you live out of town so WE have to pay for it.

  3. Thanks for your comments...

    Anonymous at 6:36am:

    If you are referring to me (Steve Forseth) then I must tell you that I live in Williams Lake and I rent so if city taxes went up for any reason, my rent would go up accordingly

    Interesting thought that you have there - some in the community do not appreciate having City Councillors Geoff Bourdon and Sue Zacharias voting on tax increases as they don't live in or rent/own residential property in the City, although Councillor Zacharias does co-own "United Concrete", up on Hodgson Road, but they are able to write off their business taxes as a legit business expense. Geoff Bourdon only works for Woodland Jewellers and actually lives in Area 'E' of the Cariboo Regional District, with Ms. Zacharias living in Area 'D' of the Cariboo Regional District

    Your thought does open a community question though:

    "Should people running for Council live in/rent or own property in the City of Williams Lake?"


  4. I rent too. City taxes increases do not automatically mean an increase in rent. It depends on the renter. My rent has gone up once in 4 years, but taxes have risen four times.
    Maybe time to get a new landlord Steve.

    Why do you assume just because your landlord is running ads (with the same picture he used when running for the BC Liberal nomination) that he will build up a lead? It's still July, for one, and for two, it's Nelson. No one is blinking an eye that he's spending money so early (and will end up spending a ton).
    Running cheesy ads doesn't build momentum. By the way, how many endorsements has he snagged?

  5. If you are referring to me (Steve Forseth) then I must tell you that I live in Williams Lake and I rent so if city taxes went up for any reason, my rent would go up accordingly

    This was in reference to Nelsons record Steve and not yours, however obviously by your statement your clearly running for office. Now one has to ask, considering how critical and quite frankly rude to both councillors and staff that you have been, if you got elected.....who would want to work with you. Might want to invest in some people skills at TRU...just sayin....

    And i would have to agree with the media campaign of Nelson, be as flashy as you want and spend ooodles of money, at the end of the day, actions are what matter and if you buy into hype and sizzle with no real positive action, you get what you elect.
