Monday, August 15, 2011

2nd Public Environmental Public Review for New Prosperity Mine proposal by October??

On Taseko Mines website, I noticed the following:

With the revised project description in hand, we expecte that the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency (CEAA) will confirm its adequacy. The Federal Government then has up to 90 days to: coordinate with the Province of British Columbia, prepare a detailed background document, including project scope, and launch the Environmental Assessment review. The Company expects the Environmental Assessment review to commence by October 2011.

It seems the above suggests a possible Joint Environmental Review (Provincial/Federal) for the "New Prosperity" mine project.  If this can be done with local First Nations, then I believe it would be a huge step forward.  If not - then we may see a repeat of the public input brought forward in 2009/2010 for the original Prosperity Mine proposal. 

For the record - I still support this mine being allowed to move forward past the environmental review stage and being allowed to commence operations


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