Thursday, August 18, 2011

Barry Penner resigns as BC Attorney-General

From the Province of BC:

Premier Christy Clark issued the following statement regarding Barry Penner’s resignation today as Attorney General:

“Late this morning, Barry Penner advised me that he would be stepping down as Attorney General in order to spend more time with his family.

“I have asked Shirley Bond to serve as Attorney General on an interim basis, in addition to continuing her role as Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General.

“Barry Penner has served this government and British Columbians with distinction and honour. I first had the privilege of serving with Barry in 1996 and it was at that time I realized his passion for making British Columbia a better place to live.

“As the longest-serving Minister of Environment in Canada, Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation and most recently as Attorney General, Barry has a breadth and depth of knowledge and experience that contributed tremendous value to the cabinet table.

“As much as anyone in public life, I understand the need for striking the right work/life balance. I wish Barry all the best as he enters a new chapter of his life and focuses on his family.”

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