Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Breaking News: Iain Black leaves BC Politics...

This afternoon - Iain Black announced that he was leaving politics to take up his new post as President/CEO of the Vancouver Board of Trade.  See more here

In the meantime - local Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett says that with Mr. Black leaving, it is a big loss for the BC Liberals

Meanwhile - over in Twitter-ville:

1) Two more BC Liberal MLA's may be on the "bubble" of leaving
2) Premier Christy Clark is not worried about two Cabinet Ministers leaving inside of a week
3) According to her, Clark says press worry more about fall election than she does.  Really.... this after Premier Clark says she needs a election, sooner than later, to get a mandate from voters, as soon as this fall (from earlier this year)

My thoughts - With both Barry Penner/Iain Black out - if I were the BC Liberal Caucus - I'd be really nervous, especially with a possible fall election looming and a BC Conservative Party behind them and with 2 others possibly looking at leaving - I'd be armtwisting Christy Clark in private and saying - just announce you won't be calling a fall election and will concentrate of governing, for the moment and we'll look at a provincial election sometime in 2012


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