Monday, August 15, 2011

Cariboo Regional District looks to solve Invasive Plant issue

100 Mile Free Press is reporting that the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) is looking to take the fight on invasive plants to a landowner level by taking to the UBCM a resolution (motion) on this topic.  See here

Even if the CRD gets their way - I wonder what kind of fight the CRD is setting themselves up for with landowners - I think everyone agrees invasive plants are a issue, the problem is what to do about it and how to do it.  I don't think the CRD marching onto private land (and it sounds like the CRD wants the authority to do it or something along that line) and doing the work and handing private land owner(s) a bill is the best way to go about it. 

I believe public education is far better than a "do as I say" attitude.  This practice has proven fruitful, time and again on many issues


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