Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Councillor Rathor "Conflict of Interest" Story sparks local media interest

The Williams Lake Tribune, the Rush and Welcome to Williams Lake are all covering the story on an alleged conflict of interest case against Williams Lake City Councillor Surinderpal Rathor

See here (Tribune), here (Rush) and here (Welcome to Williams Lake)

However - the story from Welcome to Williams Lake leaves me a little troubled when local City Councillor Rathor said this:

He (Rathor) feels that there is a connotation of racism to this whole issue

At this point - there is absolutely no proof that racism and Rathor's Indo-Canadian background had anything to do with this story and for now - he and the entire community would do well to stay away from making accusations of this nature as it doesn't add to the quality to the debate.  In fact - it lowers the standard of debate when we are all discussing matters in our community and one levels a charge of racism because of a media story.  Let's all hope that when we disagree on something, that race or colour of skin has nothing to do with the disagreement

It was a good thing that Williams Lake City Council told the community when a City Councillor was facing a conflict of interest charge and allowing the City Councillor in question to answer to the alleged conflict of interest charge.  This demonstrates that Williams Lake City Council, in this case, is sticking to the principles of open government

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