Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pat Bell's "Top Ten" for August 31st

1. PST will be restored at 7%
2. Target date is March 31, 2012
3. Permanent exemptions that existed as of June 30, 2010 will return.
4. We may try and make some administrative improvements
5. $230 HST low‐income credit replaced with $75 PST credit
6. The Province will work with the federal government to develop HST transition rules and to make any necessary changes to systems and processes.
7. The provincial government will begin discussions with the federal government about exiting the Comprehensive Integrated Tax Coordination Agreement (CITCA) including the return of the funding received for adopting the HST. Provincial Legislation and Transitional Rules:
8. The provincial government will develop legislation and regulations necessary to re-implement the PST in B.C. and may make some administrative changes to streamline and improve the PST.
9. Provincial PST transition rules to mirror federal HST transition rules will be developed.
10. The provincial government will develop other legislation and administrative programs necessary to support the full reimplementation of the PST (e.g. hotel room tax, etc). Provincial Systems Development:
11. The Province will develop and establish appropriate reporting, data gathering, billing, remittance/collection, audit, assessment and appeal processes, and supporting computer systems to properly administer the PST and other related taxes (e.g. hotel room tax, etc.) in B.C.
12. The Province will re-establish its capacity to administer the tax in the areas of registration and close of business, field and desk audit, appeals, rulings, provincial tax information phone lines, billings and remittances, collections and refunds. This will include staffing, facilities and equipment, and staff training to administer the PST and related taxes. This also includes developing appropriate administrative reporting forms and other information and communications material required to support the transition.
13. The provincial government will register approximately 100,000 businesses as tax collectors before the PST is re-implemented and provide information and training on the tax application, collection, compliance and reporting rules related to the PST. By the time the PST is re-implemented, there will be an estimated 30,000 new businesses in B.C. with no PST experience. These businesses will need to be registered and provided with detailed information and training to enable them to comply with the tax law.
14. Businesses will need to change their own electronic and manual systems and processes to assess, collect, report and remit the PST and other related taxes to the provincial government.
15. The provincial government will consult with key administration stakeholders once provincial transition rules are completed. The Province relies on partner agencies to help ensure efficient tax collection, reporting and compliance. These agencies will need to make a number of systems and process changes, as well as receive information and training to help complete the PST transition.

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