Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Promoting Local Gov't Elections

With upcoming civic elections - a cursory look at local governments promoting this include:

* City of Castlegar
* City of Quesnel
* City of Parksville

The above cities have been promoting the upcoming civic election primarily (in my humble opinion) because running for office carries significant time commitment and legal responsibilities that should be thought about over a period of time before putting your name in the ring in the fall.  These municipalities have had information on this topic on their websites since May of this year

However, for whatever reason, the City of Williams Lake has chosen not to do the same, unlike Castlegar, Quesnel and Parksville.  I find that really disappointing, given the City's endorsement of this year's Local Government Awareness theme of "Be Heard". 

Running for office, as I say, does have a lot of commitment that needs to be thought about before you put your name in the ring.  Information that should be on the City of Williams Lake's website would include:

* Guide books for Candidates and their campaign teams
* Legal requirements for voters and candidates
* General info on time commitment for a Mayor or City Councillor

I openly challenge the City of Williams Lake today to put this information up on their website, like their colleagues have already in the Cities of Quesnel, Castlegar and Parksville so the general public can mull over the idea of getting into the honourable service of being a Mayor or City Councillor


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