Friday, August 5, 2011

Sam Ketchum Memorial Pool Update #2

From the City of Williams Lake/Cariboo Regional District:

Work to repair leaks in the Sam Ketcham Pool at the Cariboo Memorial Complex has been completed. The repairs must now be left 48 hours to cure before water can be added to the tank to test the repairs. It should be evident by Sunday night if the repairs to the pool were successful. If the repairs were successful, then treatment and heating of the water in the tank will begin. This process takes between six to eight days.

As the pool has been closed longer than the usual three week shutdown period, all three month and annual pass holders will be credited an equivalent credit to their account.

“This has been a long shutdown for everyone,” says City Director of Community Service Geoff Paynton. “We’re hopeful we’ve found all of the problems and that the pool will be up and running in the very near future. We thank everyone in the community for their patience during this time.”

Mayor Kerry Cook and Central Cariboo Co-Chair noted that the Sam Ketcham Pool is over 30 years old and is now well past its expected lifespan. “It’s been a great pool for a long time, but it is starting to show its age. The unfortunate part is that because of its age we should expect to see more and more of these type of issues in the future. It’s time to start thinking seriously about a major renovation, or replacement, of the pool.”

“We are pleased the repairs to the pool are complete, and providing the testing goes well next week, residents will soon be able to enjoy the pool again,” stated the CRD’s Central Cariboo Co-Chair and Area F Director Joan Sorley. “We will be looking to re-evaluate our Central Cariboo Recreation Service Capital project priorities to ensure we are maintaining and improving our existing infrastructure before we move forward with new and proposed service offerings.”

A further media release will be issued Monday when the status of the repairs should be much clearer.

Editor's Note - if any member of the public wants to contact the Co-Chairs of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee on this matter, you may do so in the following ways:

Kerry Cook (City of WL Mayor/Central Cariboo Joint Committee Co-Chair):

Email - or
Phone: 250-267-1162 or 250-398-7213

Joan Sorley (CRD Area 'F' Director/Central Cariboo Joint Committee Co-Chair):

Phone: 250-243-2261

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