Thursday, August 4, 2011

Special Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting - August 4th

Present (City of WL):

Mayor Kerry Cook (Co-Chair) and City Councillors G. Bourdon (5:03pm), SPS Rathor L. Walters (5:11pm) and S. Zacharias

Present (Cariboo Regional District):

Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff, Area 'E' Director Steve Mazur and Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley (Co-Chair)


WL City Councillor Tom Barr

CRD/City of WL Staff Present:

Geoff Goodall - GM of Planning/Operations - City of WL
Geoff Paynton - Director of Community Services - City of WL
Wendy Dalman - Corp Services Records Coordinator - City of WL
Janis Bell - CRD CAO
Darron Campbell - Manager of Community Services, CRD

Meeting called to order at 5:01pm

Consideration of June 23rd Joint Committee meeting minutes deferred until September 14th CCJC Meeting

Director Bischoff expressed her opinion that she was unhappy with the Agenda not being available prior to this meeting


1) Indoor Turf Facility Tender Award

City of WL Director of Community Services reviewed his report with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued thereon, as follows:

Director Sorley - questioned process used, Item should have returned to Joint Committee prior to a decision being made to proceed with the tender - giving it was over budget and Recreation Budget dollars were involved.  This project should be revisited, in light of pool repairs.   There should also be a protocol re: projects involving CRD Recreation dollars and involvement of the Joint Committee

Councillor Rathor - apologized to CRD Directors Sorley, Bischoff and Mazur for not being informed

Director Mazur - Indoor Turf Facility should be deferred in light of repairs to the Sam Ketchum Pool

Director Bischoff - concur with Director Sorley

Councillor Zacharias - requested clarification on process - Joint Committee & Recreation Capital Funding

Director Bischoff - disappointed that pool updates can go out via email but Indoor Turf Facility RFP Tender didn't

By Consensus:

That the Joint Committee not proceed with the Indoor Turf Facility until a revisit of recreation priorities and further, the Joint Committee decline the tender due to budget overrun

Councillor Sue Zacharias registered a negative vote

By Consensus:

Staff be requested to bring forward a report on Joint Committee Process & the Recreation Capital budget process

Councillor Sue Zacharias registered a negative vote

2) Pool Update

The City Director of Community Services reviewed his report with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued thereon:

* Consideration of a public meeting on the future of the CMRC and maybe even take it to referendum - Councillor Laurie Walters

* Need more information before a public information meeting takes place - Councillor Geoff Bourdon

By Consensus:

That a Joint Press Release be issued Friday on the present status of the Sam Ketchum Pool repairs

Councillor Geoff Bourdon registered a negative vote

By Consensus:

That a recreation priority list be brought forward for discussion to the Sept 15th CCJC Meeting

By Consensus:

CCJC endorses the Fire Protection Sub-Committee recommendations and a Joint Press Release be issued

By Consensus:

That the CCJC Terms of Reference be amended to allow the Joint Committee to act on matters, as delegated by the CRD Board

Meeting adjourned at 6:17pm


  1. Thanks Steve. There is mention of a recreational priority list, have the outcomes of the recent recreation survey been made public? Did the turf facility follow from that? Curious because I took time to complete the survey :)

  2. The results were released shortly after it closed in a report to Joint and a press release that ran in many of the local media outlets. In my recollection the turf facility was #1 in community prioirity but it was a self selecting survey.....

  3. I have been wondering about the Communications Coordinator and what the purpose of the position was. To me Brian Carruthers contradicted himself when developing his blog. He started off telling everyone it was so that he could connect with the community. He then used ceasing the blog as stating its purpose was to communicate to the community as to what was happening. If anyone read his blog they would have seen that it was often only one blog per two months...not very effective communicating if you ask me.
    Also Brian Carruthers in his rant on the steps of City Hall stated that the reason for the communication on the Oliver Street project not be delivered was that they were all "tied up" with the Forest Fire. However if one were to go back they would have seen that the communication ended well before the Forest Fire scare. Somewhat suspect.
    He got rid of Sue LaChance because he didn't like her plain and simple. That was what all the housecleaning was when he first took over the helm. Cook supported the house cleaning as well because she didn't like Albert Defeo. This cost the taxpayers over $200,000 in severance..all because of popularity.
    Now a Communications Coordinator was hired and the a Social Media policy was passed yet no social media is in place that I can find. The new website was to go live in March, then May, the June and now it is August. This Communications Coordinator fits Carruthers cookie cutter mould....and really is just part of an entourage. Look at what is happening with City Hall. It is scary all the changes yet there is one major mistake after another being made on a municiple, regional and provincial level. Carruthers is a horrible City Manager (based on facts alone) and COok keeps excusing his lack of competence because she likes him.
