Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Swift Water training for CC Search and Rescue members

From the Cariboo Regional District:

On August 6 and 7, several members of the Cariboo Regional District’s (CRD) Central Cariboo Search and Rescue unit took part in a Swiftwater Rescue Certification course. Members from the Prince George and Quesnel Search and Rescue units joined the training session in Williams Lake each morning before spending the day going through a variety of rescue techniques at two spots on the Horsefly River.

The training brought together a wide range of abilities and gave the various units the opportunity to interact together which will make working on joint tasks in the future a much smoother process. The course put participants through several different rescue scenarios and was run by three trainers from Rescue Canada.

The CRD’s Central Cariboo Search and Rescue members have trained for swiftwater rescue, and continue to work on enhancing their skills in this area.

The public is reminded that the rivers and waterways in the Cariboo Chilcotin are usually cold. While taking part in recreation activities, or working near a river, use extreme caution; check out the hazards that may await you if you should unexpectedly end up in the river (low branches over the river, log jams, rocks, speed of river current, and shore accessibility).

If you plan on going swimming in these waterways, be aware of your swimming ability. Even a river that looks like it is meandering can be much more forceful than it appears.

For more information about Central Cariboo Search and Rescue or to join the unit, visit CCSAR online at or email or contact 250-398-5445.

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