Monday, August 8, 2011

WL Council has 6 meetings remaining

As of today - Williams Lake City Council has 6 meetings remaining prior to the November 19th election.  Those meetings dates are:

a) August 30th
b) September 13th
c) October 4th and 18th
d) November 1st and 15th

It'll be interesting to see if how WL Council gets along as we inch towards November's vote and how many, if any, announce their plans not to seek re-election.  At this point, I fully expect Councillors Laurie Walters, Geoff Bourdon and Surinderpal Rathor will be seeking another term.  However, it has been brought to my attention that Councillors Sue Zacharias and Tom Barr are contemplating either retirement or "other opportunities". 

We'll soon see if my guesses are correct or not.  Keep in mind that one seat is vacant so we know that the next WL Council will have a new face on it but time will tell if we'll have more new faces on WL Council as well - post November 19th


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