Friday, September 23, 2011

BC Conservatives close Policy Sessions to media

This morning, Vaughn Palmer of the Vancouver Sun - one of the province's most veteran political reporters tweeted the following:

BC Conservative annual convention in Nanaimo Saturday. Policy discussions closed to media. Not the practice with NDP, Liberals.

As a card-carrying member of the BC Liberal Party - I agree that Policy Sessions should and must be debated in public.  After all - it has been the tradition of other political parties, like the Federal/Provincial NDP, Progressive Conservatives throughout Canada, as examples and I reject arguments like We don't need the distraction of the media, when discussing policy, in the room.  Bull___ - most political parties have discussed party policy while the media was in the room and I haven't heard any complaining from party members

Now the real question is - What do the BC Conservatives have to hide??  After all - they want to govern BC, they need to show that they stand behind their policies including debating them, in public


Update (Fri Sept 23rd at 10:45am):

Alan Forseth, from the BC Conservatives, says that anyone can read the BC Conservative Party Policy here, but again - it doesn't answer the question - Why don't the BC Conservatives want the media in the room when their members debate their policies, unlike what occurs at BC Liberal Policy Sessions...?

Just asking...

1 comment:

  1. Steve .. you may as well just say it ... Bullshit!!

    But what is bullshit is anyone from the media or the public complaining -- whining about this is just a waste of time. The BC Conservative Party has had the proposed DRAFT policy document posted on the website for over a month now so ... there is nothing being hidden.

    What to see what it says??? To view the Proposed Policy to be presented at the AGM, please click here

    I am sure this link will come don over the weekend as policy is debated, revised, and approved ... but it is still online now as this is typed
