Tuesday, September 27, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: SD #27 Trustees Wayne Rodier/Pete Penner will not seek re-election

At tonight's School District #27 Board of Education meeting - both SD#27 Board Chair Wayne Rodier (Zone 5 Trustee) and Zone 2 Trustee Pete Penner announced that they will not seek re-election on November 19th

However - Trustees Will Van Osch (Zone 1), Patricia Baker (Zone 3), Heather McKenzie (Zone 4), and Richard Elliot (Zone 7) will all seek re-election on November 19th

SD #27 Board Vice-Chair Bruce Mack (Zone 6) was absent from the meeting and there is no word yet if he plans to seek re-election on November 19th

The announcement from Wayne Rodier was made during "Trustee Reports" at tonight's SD #27 School Board meeting however the remaining Trustee announcements were made after Joan Erb (President - CC Teachers' Association) had asked Trustees' Van Osch, Penner, Baker, McKenzie, and Elliot about their re-election plans during "Public Question Period"

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