Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Building Inspection Function Tax Notice (Revised) issued

From the Cariboo Regional District:

On June 24, 2011, the Cariboo Regional District issued information that it had been informed by the Surveyor of Taxes office in Victoria about a coding error on the Building Inspection Services taxation line item of some Cariboo Regional District (CRD) tax notices.  

As a result of this situation, all properties in Electoral Areas D, G, H, and L were inadvertently dropped from the list of taxable properties for this tax item when the service areas were combined, resulting in the entire tax burden being borne by the remaining listed taxpayers in the Building Inspection Services area.  Although it did not show on their current year’s tax notice, residents within the Building Inspection Services Boundary, who reside in Electoral Areas D, G, H, & L are still responsible for this taxation.

In 2011, the Building Inspection Service for Central and South Cariboo was combined with the Building Inspection Service for the North Cariboo.

The BC Assessment Authority has corrected the tax rolls, and the Surveyor of Taxes has recently issued a Notices of Revised Taxes. Some taxpayers have seen an increase in taxes, and will have to make payment upon receipt of the revised notice. Other taxpayers in the region saw a decrease in taxes. Credit balances of $100 or more will be refunded to the taxpayer; credit balances of less than $100 will be retained, and the amount will be applied, with interest, to 2012 property taxes.  On the other hand, taxpayers within the Building Inspection Service area whom were not taxed for the service on their original 2011 tax notices will be required to pay   the amount now owing by the date specified as indicated on the newly issued revised tax notices.

Tax notices can be paid at local Service BC (Government Agent) offices, which are aware of the situation. 

If you require further information on this issue or other local service taxation questions, please contact the Chief Financial Officer (Scott Reid) for the Cariboo Regional District at 250-392-3351 or toll free at 1-800-665-1636 or via email at sreid@cariboord.bc.ca

1 comment:

  1. The inspector checks out the property thoroughly then prepares a written report, often using home inspection software, and delivers it to a client, typically the home buyer.
