From the BC Government Caucus:
John Cummins came out yesterday with another half-baked news release critical of the makeup of the BC Liberal cabinet. In what has become commonplace, Can’t Trust Cummins tried to mislead British Columbians in an unprincipled and uninformed attempt to score cheap political points.
Here are the facts:
In his capacity as Minister of State Responsible for Multiculturalism, Minister Harry Bloy is a member of executive council.
If John Cummins had ever been part of cabinet during his time in the House of Commons, he might have learned that Ministers of State are full members of cabinet – not just in British Columbia and Canada, but in parliamentary democracies throughout the world.
In addition to the strong representation by private members, citizens on both sides of the Fraser River are well served by several cabinet ministers who represent the Fraser Valley’s interests.
Again, if John Cummins had an understanding of how our democracy works in British Columbia and Canada, he would know that Ministers of the Crown are responsible for individual portfolios and represent broader geographic areas than their home constituency.
Once again, Can’t Trust Cummins is all over the map, showing he has no clue what he’s talking about.
Yesterday, another ill-conceived statement by Cummins pointed out that current Attorney General Shirley Bond is not a lawyer. This is nothing new. In the past, Attorneys General from across the political spectrum – such as Colin Gabelmann and Russ Fraser - have not been members of the bar, nor is there any requirement to be a lawyer.
Members of the Executive Council along the Fraser River:
Harry Bloy, Minister of State Responsible for Multiculturalism; (Burnaby-Lougheed)
Stephanie Cadieux, Minister of Social Development; (Surrey-Panarama)
Rich Coleman, Minister of Energy and Mines and Government House Leader; (Fort Langley-Aldergrove)
Mike de Jong, Minister of Health; (Abbotsford West)
Kevin Falcon, Minister of Finance and Deputy Premier; (Surrey-Cloverdale)
Mary Polak, Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation. (Langley)
The Liberal Government is obviously now becoming intimidated. Their attacks against BC Conservatives, also go along with the new "personal attack radio Ad". Even neutral radio host Bill Good on CKNW observed that the radio attack Ads against John Cummins as a person, were hypocritical coming from the Liberals.