Saturday, September 10, 2011

David Schreck on upcoming Fall sitting of BC Legislature

Over at his website - David Schreck, a NDP pundit and ex-NDP MLA, gives his take on the upcoming 4th Session of the BC Legislature

See here

As Mr. Schreck notes - there will be a brief prorogue (session termination) ceremony to terminate the 3rd Session of the 39th Parliament of British Columbia.  Then, in the afternoon, the Lt-Governor (Steven Point) will read a "Speech from the Throne" which will open the 4th Session of the 39th Parliament of BC.  The Session will run until early November and then break until early February of 2012

I am looking forward to this 4th Session to see what Christy Clark has up her sleeve, as part of her "Jobs Agenda" and what the response will be from the Opposition BC New Democrats, in addition to seeing if the provincial gov't keeps its' promise to bring in the required legislation for a Municipal Auditor-General, in advance of UBCM (Union of BC Municipalities) discussions on this topic

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