Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My take on John Cummins' speech at the 2011 BC Conservative AGM

Last Saturday - John Cummins, Leader of the BC Conservatives gave a speech to about 150 members of the BC Conservative Party

Watch Part 1 here
Watch Part 2 here
Watch Part 3 here

While I sympathize with certain parts of the BC Conservatives, like making BC Ferries part of the highways system and where ferries users pay "at cost" to keep the ferry system running, there are also parts I simply can not support

Cummins stance on Natives:

When I first run for WL City Councillor in 2005 - I literally took the same "my way or the highway" stance on natives and hence, it was one of the reasons I lost that election

In the meantime - many court decisions and the Canadian Constitution requires we, as a society, be accommodating to their needs.  Native peoples are not a "special interest" group but "left-out" Canadian society members' that need to be brought back into the Canadian society fold and efforts to date are not at the place, that even I would like to see them at

I have the funny hunch that Mr. Cummins would not change his stance, even if elected as BC Premier.  I, as a Federal Conservative voter and a provincial conservative, can not support his stance with regard to native issues.  This is what happens when you learn about how to deal with native issues in a positive way.  Note - I have a native member on the CRD Area 'D' Advisory Planning Commission and I've learned plenty on this subject from him

Cummins' stance on policing:

While many would share his frustration with the present state of the Canadian justice system - simply handing over charge-authority to the police is a little scary, from my perspective.  While not perfect - I think the present justice system can be strengthened, but let's be clear - no justice system, no matter where it is exists in the world, is pefect.  It does make mistakes and that's why you have "checks and balances" to ensure the system works for everyone - criminals/victims

Cummins' stance on natural resources:

While I agree with him "in principle" on this - I'm not too comfortable with his stance that provincial police (RCMP) should enforce federal fishery law.  I suspect he has never gotten over his "anti-native" stance on Native Food Fishery on the Fraser River.  A stance, I might add, he is somewhat well known for.  Also - it reminds me of the stance that former BC Premier Glen Clark took over Nanoose Bay - a fight BC lost when it took over Nanoose Bay later on, during the Jean Chretien years

Final Conclusion:

For the above reasons - and many others, I believe that staying with the BC Liberals' is my best choice.  Does my political party make mistakes - Yes, they do as they are just as human, as I am.  But this voter is convinced that BC is best served under the BC Liberals'


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