Thursday, September 29, 2011

School District #27 Board Highlights - Sept 27th meeting

Trustees Present: Chair W. Rodier and W. Van Osch, P. Penner, P. Baker, H. McKenzie and R. Elliot
Trustees Absent: Vice-Chair B. Mack

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm
Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes from June 28th Board of Education meeting adopted


1) Motion to support the local Student Leadership Conference in October rescinded
2) Secretary-Treasurer read out a legal opinion sought from the BCSTA (BC School Trustees Assoc) on duties required under Child, Family and Community Service Act with regard to SD #27 Policy 5116 - Child Protection

3) The Board of Education ratified the decision of District Management to postpone the Curriculum Implementation Day scheduled for September 6th, 2011
4) The Board of Education agreed to receive the 2010-2011 Audited Financial Statements after receiving an oral presentation on them from Bonnie Roller - SD #27 Secretary-Treasurer
5) The Board of Education agreed to approve, in principle, the field trip for students in grades 10-12 from Williams Lake Secondary School to Hawaii from March 14-22 2012 to attend the 13th Annual Canada/Hawaii Friendship Soccer Cup, pending all required documentation and procedures are in place and approved by the Superintendent of Schools (D. Wright)

6) The Board of Education agreed to invite the students from Williams Lake Secondary School participating in the school trip to Hawaii from March 14-22 2012 to make, upon their return, a presentation to the Board of Education regarding their educational experiences

7) The Board of Education agreed to submit to the BCSTA its report that provides SD #27 Board's input/recommendations on the Ministry's funding allocation process
8) The Board of Education agreed to receive the report from the June 28th "In-Camera" meeting
9) Diane Wright (SD #27 Superintendent) reviewed current student enrollment numbers and gave a staffing update to the Board
10) Bonnie Roller (SD #27 Secretary-Treasurer) along with the Facilities Manager reviewed school projects completed over the summer and staff positions with the Board
11) The Board of Education adopted the following Policy Committee recommendations:

a) Adopt revised Policy 1110 Communications
b) Adopt revised Policy 4111.1 Employment Equity and delete Policy 4111.11 Gender Bias
c) Adopt new Policy 5124 School Completion Certificate
d) That consideration for use of schools/facilities by Community School Associations be addressed under Policy 3513 Community Use of Facilities, negating the need for a separate policy for Community Schools Associations
e) Adopt revised Policy 1120.5 Committees of the Board with a member from First Nations Education Council to be a member of the Environment Stewardship and Education Committees

12) The Board of Education agreed to receive the correspondence as listed in the Open Correspondence Report, as at September 22nd
13) The Board of Education agreed to provide a letter of support to place the 150 Mile Heritage School on the Community Heritage Registry
14) The Board of Education agreed to suspend all meetings of Board Committees' with teacher representation during teacher job action, unless emergent issues arise
15) During "Public Question Period", upon questioning from Joan Erb (President - Cariboo-Chilcotin Teachers' Assoc), the Chair and Trustee Pete Penner confirmed their intention to not seek re-election while Trustees Van Osch, Baker, McKenzie and Elliot all confirmed their intention to seek re-election

Meeting adjourned at 8:16pm

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