Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Water fluoridation referendum question will be on the ballot on Nov 19th

From the City of Williams Lake:

Williams Lake residents will have an opportunity to vote on whether to continue to add fluoride to the municipal water system.

At its regular meeting Tuesday evening, Council gave first three readings to Bylaw No. 2146, which will place the following question on the local government election ballot this fall: “The cost to add fluoride to the City’s water system is increasing from $22,000 per year to approximately $94,000 per year. Are you in favour of the City continuing to add fluoride to its water supply?”

Council will adopt the Bylaw at a special meeting of Council on Tuesday, September 20th at 5:45pm

As fluoridation of the City’s water supply was authorized by referendum in 1969, in order to discontinue fluoridation the electors must approve in a referendum or a ministerial order must be obtained.

A public information and consultation campaign is underway, and will continue for the next several weeks.

Residents can send their thoughts to fluoride@williamslake.ca, and visit www.surveymonkey.com/s/williamslake_fluoride_survey to participate in a 2-3 minute survey on water fluoridation. In addition, the City has provided additional information on water fluoridation in Williams Lake on its website at www.williamslake.ca/fluoride. The survey can also be accessed from this page.

“I encourage everyone to be informed, make your thoughts known, and to vote in the referendum,” says Mayor Kerry Cook. “It’s your water and your tax dollars.”

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