Thursday, September 15, 2011

Williams Lake Local Government Election Protocol...

Later today, the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) Board will be meeting in a Committee of the Whole to discuss several items.  See the Agenda here

One of the items up for discussion is adoption of a CRD Election Period Communications Policy which basically states that the 3 months prior to the General Election Day, CRD Staff will not assist elected officials with the following:

a) News releases, media events or other communications tools which may be perceived as promoting the efforts of individual Electoral Area or Municipal Directors on specific tasks will not be employed for three months prior to Election Day.

b) CRD staff shall not appear in photo opportunities with any local government candidates for a period of three months prior to Election Day.

c) CRD staff shall not provide assistance to Directors and/or candidates in website, social media, or other communications strategy development to support any election campaigns.

I believe the City of Williams Lake must implement either a Election Period Communications Policy, like the CRD's or in the alternative, an election period protocol, developed solely by the City's Chief Election Officer (C. Bouchard) and the City's Chief Administrative Officer (B. Carruthers), to ensure that all candidates, whether an incumbent or challenger, are on a level playing field, as it relates to City Staff and City resources


Update - The above CRD Policy was approved with an addition of "where authorized by Board Policy"

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