Sunday, October 16, 2011

BC sets new export record to China

From the Government of BC:

British Columbia has broken another record in lumber exports to China this year – with shipments already surpassing 2010’s final year-end record total, announced Pat Bell, Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation.

According to the latest international merchandise trade data released this week by Statistics Canada, lumber exports over the first eight months of the year from B.C. to China, including Hong Kong, total $746 million. For all of 2010, B.C’s lumber exports to the country were worth $687 million.

Forestry is one of the key sectors highlighted in Canada Starts Here: The BC Jobs Plan. B.C.’s success with lumber exports to China is a direct result of a trilateral provincial-federal-industry effort to focus on the China market that started in 2003, and included the establishment of a Chinese subsidiary of Forestry Innovation Investment, the Province’s market development agency for forest products. The agency has offices in Shanghai and Beijing.

The record lumber export numbers have resulted in thousands of jobs in B.C. and the re-opening of mills in towns like Ladysmith and Mackenzie.

B.C. is also breaking records with respect to overall merchandise exports to China and Hong Kong. Over the first eight months of 2011, overall exports are worth almost $3.4 billion, an increase of more than $1 billion or 42 per cent compared with the pace set over the same period in 2010.

To further boost trade and investment with Asia, Premier Christy Clark will be leading a trade mission to China and India from Nov. 4 to 16.

As pledged in Canada Starts Here: The BC Jobs Plan, the Province will double B.C.’s international presence in key and expanding markets and will implement a promotional campaign to highlight British Columbia as a safe harbour to attract new international investment.

To learn more about the BC Jobs Plan, visit


Minister of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation Pat Bell:

The latest information from Statistics Canada confirms that our plan to expand lumber exports to China is working. We will continue to work to further expand lumber exports, and as we move forward in implementing the BC Jobs Plan, we are going to use the lessons learned selling B.C. lumber in China and apply them to other sectors of our provincial economy.”

Quick Facts:

· In August 2011 the value of lumber exports to China was worth $81 million, an increase of $17 million or 27 per cent compared with the same month in 2010.

· Volume of lumber exports for the month totalled 596,000 cubic metres, an increase of 187,000 cubic metres or 46 per cent compared with volume in August 2010.

· Final year-end merchandise exports to China in 2010 totalled $4.3 billion.

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