Thursday, October 20, 2011

Censure Debate rages on in PG

Following the Court Case in Prince George where Mr. Justice Crawford rejected the request of PG City Councillor Brian Skakun to stop the censure process from proceeding until after the appeal of Mr. Skakun's Privacy Act court case wherein Mr. Skakun was found guility and fined $750 for violating the provisions of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act when he released a "in-camera" document to the CBC in Prince George, PG City Council will be meeting this Friday at 12:00pm to decide next steps, but one wonders with 29 days to the civic election - if PG City Council will just let "sleeping dogs lie" and just defer any action until the new City Council is elected and sworn in... at least, that would be the smart move on their part...will they, we'll know Friday afternoon

See the report of the PG City Manager, Derek Yates, here
Also - if you wish to see the meeting live, you can view that online feed here

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