Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Central Cariboo Joint Committee - Oct 26th Meeting Highlights


WL City Council – Mayor Cook (Committee Co-Chair) and Councillors Barr, Bourdon, Rathor, and Zacharias

Cariboo Regional District – Co-Chair Area ‘F’ Director Joan Sorley, Area ‘E’ Director Steve Mazur, and Area ‘D’ Director Deb Bischoff

Absent – WL City Councillor L.T Walters

Also Present:

Brian Carruthers – CAO, City of WL
Darron Campbell – Manager of Community Services, CRD
Geoff Paynton – Director of Community Services, City of WL
Pat Higgins – Director of Finance, City of WL
Deb Radolla – Manager of Active Living, City of WL
Wendy Dalman – Corporate Services Clerk, City of WL

Meeting called to order at 5:00pm
By Consensus – Minutes from Sept 14th Joint Committee Meeting approved


1) Dan Hutchins from Interior Roads appeared before the Joint Committee to discuss the upcoming Winter Season preparations

A Question and Answer period ensued
Co-Chair Cook, on behalf of the Joint Committee, thanked Mr. Hutchins for his presentation


1) Report of G. Paynton re: Fitness Services at CMRC

By Consensus – Joint Committee resolved the following:

a) The report be received for information
b) City of Williams Lake/Cariboo Regional District is in the business of providing affordable recreation programming
c) That a comprehensive business plan for the Cariboo Memorial Rec Complex be put together which includes targets for revenue, operations, etc
d) And that a Joint Press Release be issued ASAP on this

Opposed – CRD Area ‘D’ Director Deb Bischoff

2) 2012 “Bout” Contract from Lake City Derby Girls

By Consensus – Approval to advance Grant in Aide funds for event in April of 2012

3) Report from B. Carruthers re: Revised Fee for Service Policy

By Consensus - Joint Committee recommends approval of this Policy to the CRD Board/City Council

Opposed – CRD Area ‘D’ Director Deb Bischoff

4) Memo from D. Campbell re: 2012 Business/Financial/Capital Plans for Central Cariboo Recreation Function

By Consensus – Memo received and 2012 Business, Financial and Capital Plans for the Central Cariboo Recreation Function were endorsed

5) Report of G. Paynton re: Recreation Facility Planning Options

By Consensus - Joint Committee appoint a small Task Force of a City Councilor, CRD Director and Sr. staff from the City and CRD & members of the Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee and that this Task Force be empowered to secure the services of an industry expert to undertake an analysis of community need and develop options for consideration by the Joint Committee in regard to the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex and in particular, the Sam Ketcham Memorial Pool

6) 2012 Grant in Aides

By Consensus:

The following Grant in Aide applications be approved in the amount of $19,958 subject to 3 Grant-in-Aide applications being successfully converted to Fee for Service contracts and those being approved

a) Can Mental Health Association - $1,500
b) Cariboo Chilcotin Partners for Literacy Society - $1,408
c) WL Farmers’ Market - $500
d) WL Curling Club - $10,000
e) WL Food Policy Council - $3,550
f) Gavin Lk Forest Education Society - $3,000

Application from Cariboo Festival Society referred to CCACS Grant Process

7) Report from G. Paynton re: Condition of Playing Fields in/around Williams Lake

By Consensus – That the letter from the Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee regarding condition of playing fields in and around Williams Lake be referred to a future Joint Use Agreement Committee meeting for discussion

8) Report from D. Radolla re: Rick Hansen 25th Anniversary Celebration – Progress Report

By Consensus – Report received for information

9) Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society Report – Sept 2011

By Consensus – Report received

10) Verbal Report of B. Carruthers re: Fire Protection Agreements Update

By Consensus – Verbal report received

11) Fee for Service Contracts

By Consensus – the following Fee for Service Contracts be approved:

Central Cariboo Recreation Function

a) Boys and Girls Club - $15,000
b) Scout Island Nature Centre - $12,500

Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function

a) Station House Studio & Gallery Society - $4,500
b) Stampede Parade Committee - $5,000
c) WL Harvest Fair - $2,500
d) WL BIA - Winter Lights - $3,500
e) WL BIA - Street Party - $5,000
f) WL Indoor Rodeo - $2,000

and that the 2012 Central Cariboo Recreation & Leisure Services and Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function Business and Financial Plans be amended accordingly

12) Late Item – Report of B. Carruthers re: $30,000,000 Community Recreation Fund

By Consensus – Report received and Staff authorized to submit application

13) Action Page

By Consensus – Action Page received and Items 3, 5 (Paragraph 2) and 8 be removed

The Joint Committee adjourned at 7:23pm

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