Saturday, October 29, 2011

CRD Board Highlights - Oct 28th Meeting

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

150 Mile House Anniversary Report

Mr. John Hoyrup, and representatives of the 150 Mile House Anniversary Committee, appeared before the Board to report on the 150th anniversary event. 150 Mile House’s 150th Anniversary took place on Saturday, July 16, 2011. Over 1,000 people visited the displays and attended events during the anniversary celebration. Some of the featured events included tours through the historic 150 Mile Red School House, a petting zoo, a family dance, and a number of displays depicting 150 Mile House throughout the years.

Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Provides Update

MLA Donna Barnett, Cariboo Chilcotin, provided the Board with an update about priorities and projects the provincial government is working on. During the meeting MLA Barnett also presented awards of appreciation to retiring CRD Directors Art Dumaresq (Area H), Roberta Faust (Area B), Steve Mazur (Area E), and Rick Mumford (Area K). Further information is available online at

CRD Supports CCCTA Resolution

The Cariboo Regional District will provide a letter to the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association in support of a resolution directed to the provincial government. The resolution calls for legislative changes to threshold limits of the Tourist Accommodation Assessment Relief Act. Some of the proposed changes include:
• Increase the $150,000 threshold to $500,000
• Raise the threshold for the reducing formula from $2,000,000 to $4,000,000
• Introduce a formula to increase the threshold and reducing formula ceilings in proportion to average assessment valuation increases for accommodations

Community Works Funding for Alexis Creek & Watch Lake

The Alexis Creek and Watch Lake Community Clubs will be receiving Community Works funding for energy efficiency upgrades for their respective Community Halls. The Alexis Creek Community Club made an application to the CRD of up to $12,500 to install new windows and doors at the Alexis Creek Community Hall. The installation will improve energy efficiencies and reduce heating costs by dropping heat loss. The Watch Lake & District Women’s Institute has requested $12,000 to replace two old refrigerators and perform lighting upgrades.

Miss Canada International 2012

Anna Dell, Miss Canada International 2012, appeared before the Board to provide a presentation about the Teddy Bears of Hope Campaign. Further information about the program is available online at

Anahim Lake Airport Terminal Construction Update

The Regional District received an update from the Anahim Lake Airport Commission regarding construction of the new airport terminal. The Commission unanimously supports the project which will have a footprint of approximately 1,000 square feet and be designed in a log house style. The site design for the terminal building is underway. Issuance of a Request for Proposals for the building design is planned for the winter 2011, while construction will commence in the spring of 2012.

150 Mile School House added to Heritage Registry

Earlier this year, the Heritage Steering Committee reviewed an application for inclusion of the 150 Mile House Red School on the CRD Heritage register. The Heritage Ministry has ensured the Statement of Significance met their requirements and approved the application. The site will now be added to the provincial registry and it is expected the site will also be registered federally on the Canadian Register of Historic Places.

New Agriculture Planning Policy Reviewed

The CRD Board of Directors reviewed a proposed Agricultural Policy. The policy, which will now be distributed to stakeholders for comment and input, is intended to assist with agricultural edge planning to encourage compatible land uses between the rural/non-rural or farm/non-farm interface to reduce conflicts and recognize agriculture as a priority land use. The policy provides a regulatory framework related to fencing, buffering and screening specifications, and other measures such as agricultural awareness, minimum lot size requirements for land abutting existing agricultural operations/crown land in the ALR, and provisions for retention of natural features along the non-farm side of the ALR boundaries. The full document will be posted on the CRD website in the near future at under the Planning Department.

Age Friendly Community Planning & Projects Funding

The Regional District Board of Directors received information about the Seniors' Housing and Support Initiative’s new Age-Friendly Community Planning and Projects funding program. Grants of up to $20,000 are available to support community planning initiatives projects focused on age-friendly communities and the ability of seniors to age in place. Launched in 2004, the Seniors’ Housing and Support Initiative was created through the Ministry of Community, Sport & Cultural Development to assist local governments to prepare for an aging population. The application deadline is December 2, 2011.

Upcoming Meetings

Thursday, November 17 – Finance/Budget Committee Meeting
Friday, November 18 – CRD Board of Directors (Final Meeting of 2008-2011 Term)

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