Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Detailed Review of 3rd Quarter - City of WL

See the full 3rd Quarter Report here

Budget Numbers:

General Fund - most #'s on track except "Other Finance Charges" which is 153.55% over budget.  Spent $56,966 with $37,100 budgeted
Water Fund - on track
Sewer Fund - on track
Transit Fund - on track
Airport Fund - Revenue down significantly.  $634,974 received to date but 2011 Budget booked $1,538,120 or 41.28% of the 2011 Budget with 3 months to go

Mayor/Council Budgets:

To the end of September 2011

Mayor Cook - spent $4,456 of $10,600 or 42.04% of her Budget
Councillor Rathor - spent $3,943 of $5,560 or 70.92% of his Budget
Councillor Barr - spent $2,412 of $5,560 or 43.39% of his Budget
Councillor Walters - spent $1,816 of $5,560 or 32.66% of her Budget
Councillor Bourdon - spent $1,361 of $5,560 or 24.48% of his Budget
Councillor Zacharias - spent $741 of $5,560 or 13.32% of her Budget

Other Significant Info:

1) Community Services Committee recently reviewed options to move forward on Station House Gallery project.  A meeting is scheduled to occur with the Station House Gallery Board in Quarter 4 (Oct 1 - Dec 31st).  Attempt underway to purchase land at cost of roughly $50,000

Editor's Note - wouldn't it be more appropriate, now that the provincial grant for this project was denied, to put this project on hold until the next Council is elected and sworn in and then they can decide if they want to pursue this project or not...?

2) No decision to date on federal grant to help complete Woodland Drive Water/Sewer Upgrades
3) Building Inspection, Fire Department and Snow Removal Service Delivery Reviews to be completed in Quarter 4 (Oct 1st - Dec 31st)
4) A number of projects were deferred until 2012 including:

a) Electronic Signs for McKenzie Ave
b) Duncan Rd Cul-de-Sac
c) Phases 1, 2 and 3 of River Valley Storm Outfall Upgrades
d) Tree Farm at WL Regional Airport

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