Thursday, October 20, 2011

Joe Alphonse: Trip to Ottawa "Worthwhile"

Courtesy of the Rush:

Tl’etinqox-T’in Chief Joe Alphonse says a trip to Ottawa this week to lobby against Taseko’s Prosperity Mine Proposal was a worthwhile venture.

He says it was worthwhile because it gave his people a chance to tell their side of the story.

Alphonse was in Ottawa with a delegation of First Nations Chiefs from the west Chilcotin and says he met with a number of government agencies, environmental and first nations groups.

He says the group failed to convince the government to cancel Prosperity’s upcoming environmental assessment though.

Alphonse says government bureaucrats indicated their hands were tied and that Taseko is within their rights to re-apply.

That assessment is due to begin no later than November 7th. Taseko’s first application ended with a rejection by Ottawa last year.

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