Monday, October 10, 2011

Latest Provincial Political Poll from Ipsos-Reid

Recently - Ipsos-Reid did a poll on support for provincial political parties.  You can review the particulars of that poll here

Overall - the NDP hold a 36-45% support lead over the reigning BC Liberals who have between 30-38% and voter support for the BC Conservatives' between 9-12% and 16% who are undecided.

But - on support for provincial political leaders:

Christy Clark - 45% support with 46% non-support and 9% saying "Don't Know"
Adrian Dix - 43% support with 36% non-support and 21% saying "Don't Know"
John Cummins - 23% support with 33% non-support and 45% saying "Don't Know"

Finally - by sub-region:

Metro Vancouver:

NDP - 45% support
BC Liberals - 35% support
BC Conservatives - 14% support

Vancouver Island:

NDP - 54% support
BC Liberals - 31% support
BC Conservatives - 8% support


NDP - 39% support
BC Liberals - 46% support
BC Conservatives - 9% support

Final Comments:

While the NDP have support in Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Island, the reigning BC Liberals have comfortable support in the Interior and Northern BC.  Meanwhile - the BC Conservatives have just enough support to play "spoiler" in Interior/North and Vancouver Island to the BC Liberals' but could have enough support (if developed over time) to elect a few MLA's in Metro Vancouver.  Also - if John Cummins converts his 45% "don't know" into "support", things could get really ugly for the BC Liberals as we approach 2013

Overall - the BC Liberals have a ton of work to do in Metro Vancouver/Vancouver Island to get rid of the NDP's lead in these sub-regions while watching the BC Conservatives behind them, with little time remaining to do so (with just under 2 years before the next election)

Finally - while not part of this poll - if the NDP/Liberals and BC Conservatives run candidates in Cariboo-North - I wonder if a 4 way race for this riding could spell doom for Independent MLA Bob Simpson come April of 2013...given when he ran in 2009, it was a two way race with only the NDP/BC Liberals...but on the other hand - BC Conservatives could, in a 4 way race, play "spoiler" to the BC Liberal candidate.  But it would come down to how many "NDP" supporters back Mr. Simpson as an independent and not back the local NDP Candidate.  This riding may end up being one to watch - given the only other independent MLA in BC is in Delta South (Vicki Huntingdon)


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