Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Quesnel Council Highlights - Oct 24th meeting

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

New well closer to completion

A new water well that will improve the capacity of the City's water system is closer to completion after Council approved a $343,823 contract to Canadian Western Mechanical. The contract includes: installation of a 200 horsepower vertical turbine pump; a well head enclosure; all associated piping and fittings to tie into the existing pump house; all associated electrical work; and closure of well No. 5. The new well is capable of producing up to 1,800 gallons per minute, far superior to the City's other five wells that produce from 250 to 1,000 gallons per minute. The total cost of the project is estimated at $1,099,789, which is up from the last estimate of $876,785 and the original 2009 project estimate of $660,000. A grant of $375,000 was received by the City to fund a portion of the work. Some of the reasons for the budget increase include: a larger pump and associated infrastructure due to the increased well capacity (the City had anticipated less water volume); and a seven-month delay after a serious technical issue during the testing process.

Fees bylaw moves ahead

The City's Comprehensive Fees and Charges bylaw was approved. This "Master Fee" bylaw was put in place in 2010, allowing the City to update fees and charges in one process. Council approved several fee increases, including: a five per cent increase to water and sewer rates ($16.72 per year, per household); a two per cent increase to airport fees (not including passenger fees); and some minor changes to some building inspection and development charges.

Recreation contract on the way

Council approved the City entering into a five-year agreement with the Cariboo Regional District to manage its North Cariboo Recreation and Parks function. The agreement reflects the current management structure and operations, and provides a framework for service delivery in the future. It is based on a municipal contract operating budget that increases by 1.5% per year.

Visitor Centre contract renewed

Council approved the City entering a new, five-year agreement with the Quesnel and District Chamber of Commerce for the operation of the Quesnel Visitors Centre. The Chamber has provided management of the building since 2002. In 2011, the fee for that service was $90,562, less grants received by the Chamber for an estimated cost to the City of $73,842. In 2010 the Chamber reduced their fee by $7,000, and by $4,000 in 2011. The new agreement sees an increase of 13.9% to the fee over five years.

Other news

A number of point of interest signs along the City's Riverfront Trail will be updated thanks to the community winning $10,000 in the Healthy Families BC Walking Challenge.

The City received its Community Excellence Award from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities. The award, given under the Best Practices - General category is for the City's online mapping program and accompanying tutorial video. The City's Geographic Information System technician Rhonda McCabe was recognized by Council for her work on the project.

City Council also formally received two more awards. The first was as the Cariboo region's most small-business friendly community, awarded by B.C.'s Small Business Roundtable. The second was from WoodWorks for being the first community to have a wood-first bylaw linking to the province's Wood First Act.


Oct. 28 to Nov. 10 - Veterans Days (poppy campaign)
Nov. 13 to 20 - Restorative Justice Week

Important Dates

Oct. 31, 4 p.m. - Halloween march starting at Reid and Carson
Nov. 11 - Remembrance Day

Future Meetings:

Next Regular Council Meeting:
Monday November 7, 7 p.m.

Next North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee Meeting:
Tuesday November 8, 5:30 p.m.

Next Committee of the Whole Meeting:
Monday November 14, 7 p.m.

Next Delegation Meeting:
Monday December 12, 7 p.m.

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